Apart from having NSMBW music stuck in my head, I've also got a lot of good stuff happening there. After morning prayers, it's time to face the day. Or sleep. Yeah, sleep turned out to be a pretty good option. Then class! Or gym. OK, gym. You win.
Yesterday my project team recorded the fastest time for our balloon-powered car. One other was able to beat ours, but only after the allotted 3 trials. I have to say that it was ALL down to my team mates. I did very little in the way of designing the car (read: nothing), but I'm very happy to whip up a sweet project report- although I was very silly and thought the report was due yesterday. Whoops. It ain't due for weeks...
I feel compelled to express my disappointment in a few areas, though. I really wish there was something to be done about some of my relationships. One dear friend seems to not know whether I'm genuine, or otherwise. I thought we were isolated from issues like that, like there was something special that couldn't disrupt us. Together we were a team. It's been good to have such a special person share the journey. I just can't help be a little disappointed. She's still amazing. I'm thinking that because there is no "us" we should be able to focus on the external.
Another dear friend has decided that her life would be better without contact with me. I've had several months of on-again, off-again attacks, etc. Damn it, I love her to bits, though. I love her enthusiasm (which seems to be lessened at the moment). I love her prattle and way with words. I love her cooking. I love her heart when she lets me see it. I can't think of anything nicer than spending an afternoon bike riding with her.
I pray that can happen again.
Not much is as worthwhile as a bike ride with her. And I'd love to see her teach BODYSTEP one day. I wonder if she'd accept an Easter present from me? Meh, I might just leave one outside her door, without a name. She doesn't read this blog any more (so says Google Analytics) so I think I can safely type out my plan.
Most of all, I pray she keeps finding joy in beebee birdies and singing and jumping about in front of a sweaty gym class in lovely Lululemon.
I best be showered, etc. I've got BODYBALANCE after lunch.
Bah! Bah! Bah!
P.S. I'd really like some tips on layout, etc. What do people like? What don't you like?