Sunday, 30 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
In awe
I received a random message from my mobile phone provider informing me that, for no reason, they would be taking 15% off my monthly bill. This is the least of the many joys that have flooded into my life.
Why is this happening? Praise God! His hand has been on my life, and His blessings are abundant.
Thank you for opening hearts, giving strength, providing resources, answering prayers and for much rest and rejuvenation. Help me respond to this comforting of the soul with worship and praise and a humbled heart. Thank you that you have made use of my talents, even in my complacency.
I pray that you watch over us as we face our upcoming assessment.
P.S. Recently someone commented on how childish their blog had been when they were younger, filled with prayers and bitching. She wasn't trying to say prayer is bad or childish, but merely trying to express how hollow a medium blogging can be for something as important as intimate conversation with the Creator. Right now, I don't mind. There is so much joy in my life, so I'll praise God at every possibility!
Why is this happening? Praise God! His hand has been on my life, and His blessings are abundant.
Thank you for opening hearts, giving strength, providing resources, answering prayers and for much rest and rejuvenation. Help me respond to this comforting of the soul with worship and praise and a humbled heart. Thank you that you have made use of my talents, even in my complacency.
I pray that you watch over us as we face our upcoming assessment.
P.S. Recently someone commented on how childish their blog had been when they were younger, filled with prayers and bitching. She wasn't trying to say prayer is bad or childish, but merely trying to express how hollow a medium blogging can be for something as important as intimate conversation with the Creator. Right now, I don't mind. There is so much joy in my life, so I'll praise God at every possibility!
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
The most comfortable gaming experience you will ever have
That's right. The Classic Controller Pro! It is, essentially, the perfect design for a standard controller. The thumbsticks are in exactly the right places.

Go on. Have a feel!
Feels good, right?
I know. I know. Hey, can I have it back now? Yeah, you've held it long enough. Seriously. Give it back.
It's just that nice.
Not that useful for (not)chickens, though.

Go on. Have a feel!
Feels good, right?
I know. I know. Hey, can I have it back now? Yeah, you've held it long enough. Seriously. Give it back.
It's just that nice.
Not that useful for (not)chickens, though.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Public Apology
See? I used a capital for each word in the title, so it must be important. And it is. I need to make a public apology for my actions and for the circumstances, as controlled and misdirected by me.
I've been through a rough patch earlier in the year. I went through a tough break-up. I got a little (read: a lot) paranoid. I made some stupid decisions in response to what had happened.
Most importantly, I hurt someone very dear to me. You know her. She's the wonderful girl who always has the right words. She's faithful, she's kind and she'll fight to protect your soul. I love her. She's the one-and-only, Ames.
I, Evan Ritchie, A.K.A. TheSovietChairman, must acknowledge, in front of this cyber-community, the damage I have done to Ames. I was in a relationship with Amy for some time and managed to hurt her significantly. It has been established that we have both grown through this relationship, but that I was destructive and foolish in the manner in which I approached courtship. My heart had been given to someone else, yet I persisted in dating while in an unfit state, to the detriment of us both.
I am sorry, Ames. I love you.
I must also thank her for everything she's given me through these struggles: The countless hours spent buoying me up, the friends she's introduced me to and the emotional energy poured out and the trust she has demonstrated.
I propose a virtual toast to this beautiful, kind and selfless daughter of God.
*Raises virtual glass*
Hmmm... Not satisfying enough.
*Proceeds downstairs*
*Returns with a glass of wine*
Here's to Ames! The most wonderful friend anyone could ask for!
Wishing you all the best on your road to recovery,
I've been through a rough patch earlier in the year. I went through a tough break-up. I got a little (read: a lot) paranoid. I made some stupid decisions in response to what had happened.
Most importantly, I hurt someone very dear to me. You know her. She's the wonderful girl who always has the right words. She's faithful, she's kind and she'll fight to protect your soul. I love her. She's the one-and-only, Ames.
I, Evan Ritchie, A.K.A. TheSovietChairman, must acknowledge, in front of this cyber-community, the damage I have done to Ames. I was in a relationship with Amy for some time and managed to hurt her significantly. It has been established that we have both grown through this relationship, but that I was destructive and foolish in the manner in which I approached courtship. My heart had been given to someone else, yet I persisted in dating while in an unfit state, to the detriment of us both.
I am sorry, Ames. I love you.
I must also thank her for everything she's given me through these struggles: The countless hours spent buoying me up, the friends she's introduced me to and the emotional energy poured out and the trust she has demonstrated.
I propose a virtual toast to this beautiful, kind and selfless daughter of God.
*Raises virtual glass*
Hmmm... Not satisfying enough.
*Proceeds downstairs*
*Returns with a glass of wine*
Here's to Ames! The most wonderful friend anyone could ask for!
Wishing you all the best on your road to recovery,

Here comes the sun
Just have a look at how the tulips from the previous photo set turned out after they were put in some fresh water with a little sugar in it. Lovely, 'ey? They've brightened up the kitchen, somewhat.

There'll be time to celebrate. Let's taste some of that now. Rejoice in a purpose-driven step in the right direction and a commitment to the goal. I love you.
There'll be time for tears. Don't be afraid to feel the sadness. Let God's Grace cleanse you and His Love wash over you. When we're forced to turn away from things we'd hoped in- we can rest in Him. I love you.
There'll be time for fellowship! Assessments and trials and timetables filled with deadlines will come to an end. I'll cook for you. I probably won't beat your risotto. I love you.
There'll be time for shopping. And dancing. And Guitar Hero. Now's the time to focus on keeping the mind healthy and the body strong. Stay the course, as you navigate through mid-year assessment. I'll be waiting with your coffee. I love you.
More birthday celebrations, gaming sessions, dining out and spending time together is in store. I miss you all.
God bless all those that I love;
God bless all those that love me;
God bless all those that love those
that I love,
And all those that love
those that love me.
As my pictures clearly demonstrate, we had a tad too much to eat this weekend. We trekked down to my folks' house for sea-side picnics, giant sting ray watching and night walks. Seriously- there were three rays; one was about 1.5m across and the other two were perhaps 2m+ across. Their eye holes were enormous. They glided lazily up and down beside the board-walk, for our viewing pleasure.
In remember the Irish blessing I used earlier from Sunday School at Christ Church, Geelong. A nice one.
Off to the gym wi' me! After my mid-afternoon ginger wine, perhaps.
*Spear tackle hugs*

There'll be time to celebrate. Let's taste some of that now. Rejoice in a purpose-driven step in the right direction and a commitment to the goal. I love you.
There'll be time for tears. Don't be afraid to feel the sadness. Let God's Grace cleanse you and His Love wash over you. When we're forced to turn away from things we'd hoped in- we can rest in Him. I love you.
There'll be time for fellowship! Assessments and trials and timetables filled with deadlines will come to an end. I'll cook for you. I probably won't beat your risotto. I love you.
There'll be time for shopping. And dancing. And Guitar Hero. Now's the time to focus on keeping the mind healthy and the body strong. Stay the course, as you navigate through mid-year assessment. I'll be waiting with your coffee. I love you.
More birthday celebrations, gaming sessions, dining out and spending time together is in store. I miss you all.
God bless all those that I love;
God bless all those that love me;
God bless all those that love those
that I love,
And all those that love
those that love me.
As my pictures clearly demonstrate, we had a tad too much to eat this weekend. We trekked down to my folks' house for sea-side picnics, giant sting ray watching and night walks. Seriously- there were three rays; one was about 1.5m across and the other two were perhaps 2m+ across. Their eye holes were enormous. They glided lazily up and down beside the board-walk, for our viewing pleasure.
In remember the Irish blessing I used earlier from Sunday School at Christ Church, Geelong. A nice one.
Off to the gym wi' me! After my mid-afternoon ginger wine, perhaps.
*Spear tackle hugs*

Monday, 17 May 2010
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Diamonds are forEvan
Yes, diamonds are forever. And now that it's here on this blog, so too is that awful pun.
I wish I could afford some. Or one, to be specific. It's beautiful, 1.01 ct, brilliant cut. Good colour, nearly flawless. *Sigh*
A spanner was thrown in the works last night. I had my heart set on doing the right thing. But then someone else gave their view of what the right thing could be. I've made the choice. Perhaps I shouldn't have. I need to get together with some people and have a discussion, just to see if I'm being a very silly boy. I'm not, though. It's just hard to convince people that this is the case.
I would appreciate prayers for wisdom.
Such an amazing weekend! And I'm not used to using exclamation marks!
Friday night, I went up to Bendigo. After a much-needed head massage, while trying not to vomit from the pain, the pain-killers gave me just enough room to get some shut-eye. In the morning we hurried down to the Bendigo Community Farmers' Market for breakfast and a stroll. The beautiful girl went with the escargot and I enjoyed a bacon, egg and relish breakfast bun. Mmmm... We were joined by Berenika and Jakob for a stroll and a coffee. Delightful! After looking at sparkly things (and falling in love with a particular stone), we hit the Gallery to admire Frederick McCubbin's impressionist works.
How could this day get any better? Pizza and a movie, you say? Done deal!
Sunday was just as rewarding. After pushing each other to the limit in the Mothers' Day Fun Run, in support of breast cancer research, we bolted into church- the girl in her sports bra and gym pants hops into her space in the choir. Eyes bulge. Smiles abound. Good times.
Judy's magical way with words, depicting God's Holy City is almost as entertaining as her very-rough-around-the-edges way with words over coffee and biscuits afterwards. Visiting St. Paul's always reminds me of how much I miss older people and children in a congregation. Although a youth-only service has its merits.
The afternoon was spent wandering around the lake, cooking, eating, all before a talk on homosexuality and the Anglican Church. Very interesting stuff.
It's always so hard to leave.
Wishing you every joy. May God surround you with his great love and mercy through the inevitable trials,
I wish I could afford some. Or one, to be specific. It's beautiful, 1.01 ct, brilliant cut. Good colour, nearly flawless. *Sigh*
A spanner was thrown in the works last night. I had my heart set on doing the right thing. But then someone else gave their view of what the right thing could be. I've made the choice. Perhaps I shouldn't have. I need to get together with some people and have a discussion, just to see if I'm being a very silly boy. I'm not, though. It's just hard to convince people that this is the case.
I would appreciate prayers for wisdom.
Such an amazing weekend! And I'm not used to using exclamation marks!
Friday night, I went up to Bendigo. After a much-needed head massage, while trying not to vomit from the pain, the pain-killers gave me just enough room to get some shut-eye. In the morning we hurried down to the Bendigo Community Farmers' Market for breakfast and a stroll. The beautiful girl went with the escargot and I enjoyed a bacon, egg and relish breakfast bun. Mmmm... We were joined by Berenika and Jakob for a stroll and a coffee. Delightful! After looking at sparkly things (and falling in love with a particular stone), we hit the Gallery to admire Frederick McCubbin's impressionist works.
How could this day get any better? Pizza and a movie, you say? Done deal!
Sunday was just as rewarding. After pushing each other to the limit in the Mothers' Day Fun Run, in support of breast cancer research, we bolted into church- the girl in her sports bra and gym pants hops into her space in the choir. Eyes bulge. Smiles abound. Good times.
Judy's magical way with words, depicting God's Holy City is almost as entertaining as her very-rough-around-the-edges way with words over coffee and biscuits afterwards. Visiting St. Paul's always reminds me of how much I miss older people and children in a congregation. Although a youth-only service has its merits.
The afternoon was spent wandering around the lake, cooking, eating, all before a talk on homosexuality and the Anglican Church. Very interesting stuff.
It's always so hard to leave.
Wishing you every joy. May God surround you with his great love and mercy through the inevitable trials,

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
In honour of Lor's graph
This is a graph which describes my stress levels over a normal semester, when compared with Kat's. I whipped this up ages ago, when I was going a little insane towards exam time.

As you can see, it clearly depicts my generally stress free demeanour, with the occasional freak out. Part of growing in faith, for me, has constituted putting more trust in God, and just doing what I can- without fear; moving things from an intellectual acceptance of God's grace and power, to a practical one. It's good in theory, but it takes effort to be better at giving things over to Him.
This may not seem like a big deal, but yesterday I made an amazing omelette. In fact, I'd call it an Om-nom-nomelette. It was just that good. It had enough spice in it to make it interesting. It was perfectly cooked. It came to the plate in one piece. I was so proud. Thank you, non-stick fry pan.

Earlier last week, my drawings were getting a little upset. They were becoming angry and deformed. They decided that they didn't want to do what I asked, just because I was about to post something. They started going out of focus. They looked sketchy. They were bickering. They sought comfort in sinful pleasures and placed themselves above each other.
They grew pointy teeth, sharp claws and wished to hurt everyone who wouldn't satisfy their cruel nature.

The smaller ones were preyed upon- and the larger ones grew gnarled and twisted, with jagged lines, reflecting the hate that was filling them up and taking control of their hearts.
There was a revolt. They would accept me no longer as ruler of their domain.
So I ran away. I headed up country, without telling my house mates. I was fine. The sketches were not.
I let someone else take over for a while.
When I returned, they were very subdued. The sombre, reserved welcome of the larger drawings, each affecting the repentant child, slowly exuded a respect and concern for their master. The smaller ones began a fanfare.
My time away had given me the energy to pull in the reins. I remembered how to love them, but also to show a firm stance and an intolerance for any wickedness.
Peace had returned to the land of my sketchbook.
Wishing you peace and security,

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7

As you can see, it clearly depicts my generally stress free demeanour, with the occasional freak out. Part of growing in faith, for me, has constituted putting more trust in God, and just doing what I can- without fear; moving things from an intellectual acceptance of God's grace and power, to a practical one. It's good in theory, but it takes effort to be better at giving things over to Him.
This may not seem like a big deal, but yesterday I made an amazing omelette. In fact, I'd call it an Om-nom-nomelette. It was just that good. It had enough spice in it to make it interesting. It was perfectly cooked. It came to the plate in one piece. I was so proud. Thank you, non-stick fry pan.

Earlier last week, my drawings were getting a little upset. They were becoming angry and deformed. They decided that they didn't want to do what I asked, just because I was about to post something. They started going out of focus. They looked sketchy. They were bickering. They sought comfort in sinful pleasures and placed themselves above each other.
They grew pointy teeth, sharp claws and wished to hurt everyone who wouldn't satisfy their cruel nature.

The smaller ones were preyed upon- and the larger ones grew gnarled and twisted, with jagged lines, reflecting the hate that was filling them up and taking control of their hearts.
There was a revolt. They would accept me no longer as ruler of their domain.
So I ran away. I headed up country, without telling my house mates. I was fine. The sketches were not.
I let someone else take over for a while.
When I returned, they were very subdued. The sombre, reserved welcome of the larger drawings, each affecting the repentant child, slowly exuded a respect and concern for their master. The smaller ones began a fanfare.
My time away had given me the energy to pull in the reins. I remembered how to love them, but also to show a firm stance and an intolerance for any wickedness.
Peace had returned to the land of my sketchbook.
Wishing you peace and security,

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
This morning was lovely
See? Didn't I say as much?

After a morning cycle, then prayers, the day is off to an excellent start. Although start time proper occurred around 4:00am. Ah, well.
Kick-Ass was lots of fun. Not quite as good as How to Train Your Dragon, but it certainly had its moments. Most of which involved watching a little girl killing bad guys. This felt rather strange to watch, as it was clearly something perverse - a child severing body parts off muscle-bound men - however it was immensely satisfying. It was the case of the ultimate underdog, well, kicking ass. It was just sad to see the girlfriend positioned as little more than a sex object.
An escape to my home-away-from-home revitalised me for the week, with enough energy to power through three assignments, all due Monday. Praise God for keeping me sane through that. After only getting three hours sleep last night it's time for this gent to hit the hay.
Thanks for a great dinner last night- and some awesome episodes of Look Around You, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and... others... Your awesomeness risotto truly is made of awesome. I missed you heaps. I didn't really get to chat about where things are at and how your head's going, but we'll get there.
Hmmm... I could use an ice-cream later. Or some gaming. Or both.

P.S. In case you're wondering- that's a picture of my house. Not the church, but the old vicarage attached to it.

After a morning cycle, then prayers, the day is off to an excellent start. Although start time proper occurred around 4:00am. Ah, well.
Kick-Ass was lots of fun. Not quite as good as How to Train Your Dragon, but it certainly had its moments. Most of which involved watching a little girl killing bad guys. This felt rather strange to watch, as it was clearly something perverse - a child severing body parts off muscle-bound men - however it was immensely satisfying. It was the case of the ultimate underdog, well, kicking ass. It was just sad to see the girlfriend positioned as little more than a sex object.
An escape to my home-away-from-home revitalised me for the week, with enough energy to power through three assignments, all due Monday. Praise God for keeping me sane through that. After only getting three hours sleep last night it's time for this gent to hit the hay.
Thanks for a great dinner last night- and some awesome episodes of Look Around You, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and... others... Your awesomeness risotto truly is made of awesome. I missed you heaps. I didn't really get to chat about where things are at and how your head's going, but we'll get there.
Hmmm... I could use an ice-cream later. Or some gaming. Or both.

P.S. In case you're wondering- that's a picture of my house. Not the church, but the old vicarage attached to it.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
And a header from Kat, too
EDIT: Now it's a footer instead. Head south to check it out.
EDIT: I also just learnt how to link to the footer. Sweet! I'm learning!

Although I have a feeling she didn't assume it would be so... fruity.
I guess that's all the more appropriate.
When your faith is in Him, and nothing else, then you can really be free from worry, knowing that His Grace and Mercy are poured out for you. Let's grow together. Let's put aside any worries- we will be provided for.
I love you.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV
Time for bed,
P.S. Y'know what? I'm gonna get her to sign it and stick it on my bedroom door.
P.P.S. Sorry for being a psycho sometimes.
P.P.P.S. Why the King James Version? You always were a romantic one, so I guess it follows.
EDIT: I also just learnt how to link to the footer. Sweet! I'm learning!

Although I have a feeling she didn't assume it would be so... fruity.
I guess that's all the more appropriate.
When your faith is in Him, and nothing else, then you can really be free from worry, knowing that His Grace and Mercy are poured out for you. Let's grow together. Let's put aside any worries- we will be provided for.
I love you.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV
Time for bed,
P.S. Y'know what? I'm gonna get her to sign it and stick it on my bedroom door.
P.P.S. Sorry for being a psycho sometimes.
P.P.P.S. Why the King James Version? You always were a romantic one, so I guess it follows.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Mice in tubes, etc.
We watched videos of sand art, Japanese commercials, babies dancing, comedians, singing contortionists and every well-known, internet-famous video under the virtual sun. It was a rib-tickling good time, I must say.
I had one of the most uplifting conversations this morning. Thanks for the hope and the laughter. Thanks for putting up with me. Give yourself some credit. You pulled all the right moves.
Thanks for the walk and chat the other night. It was good. I knew there was a lot on your mind and I hope to be able to just act as a space to relax and stretch your emotional legs. Shake out those "muscles".
Sorry for the lack of posts. It will be rectified. Probably later today.
I wish I had a bear on my head.
Much love,
I had one of the most uplifting conversations this morning. Thanks for the hope and the laughter. Thanks for putting up with me. Give yourself some credit. You pulled all the right moves.
Thanks for the walk and chat the other night. It was good. I knew there was a lot on your mind and I hope to be able to just act as a space to relax and stretch your emotional legs. Shake out those "muscles".
Sorry for the lack of posts. It will be rectified. Probably later today.
I wish I had a bear on my head.
Much love,

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