Thursday 6 October 2011

Weddings, gardens, friends and food.

Weddings, weddings, weddings... So many of them! The most beautiful bride is yet to don her bridal gown, but that doesn't stop her from getting dressed up for other peoples' celebrations.

She's so very beautiful.
 And the food was lovely, too.

 A groovy guest (Geddit?! Probably not...) came to join us! We took her on a short tour of Bendigo, and then set her to work putting up our wall decorations.
 After admiring our handiwork, we settled in for a delicious biscuit with milk.

I hope you're excited by something small today, and it gives you great pleasure in the knowledge that no matter what the future holds, joy can be found without the comfort of riches. I also hope you find a sweet clock, and decide to mail it to me, with a letter containing a terrible pun involving the word "time".




  1. You two have too many happy stories to tell, and gotta be more and more...

    Write a book please!


  2. ... a clock? Do you want a clock? Chinese people don't give clocks as presents...

  3. I like clocks. What's it to you? :)


    Nearly time to head back to CS...

  4. Well, kat, it's okay for a husband to buy a clock for your own house... As far as it doesn't count as a gift to you, it's fine!

    Maybe you should inform your guest, Kat, no clocks for gifts, really bad idea, it will make your parents angry, too.
