Friday 22 October 2010

It's on.

I'm feeling rather uncomfortable in my skin at the moment. I feel heavy. Normal activities seem more difficult. I want to look good for My Love- she's so beautiful, healthy and fit. I will never be as beautiful as her, but it's time to shape up. It's time to do something about it.

Here's my goal:

I'm going to lose 15kg before Christmas.

The assignments are unrelenting. It's terrifying. I barely have enough time to hand one in and I'm frantically scrambling to get the next one together. Study needs to happen. Exams are approaching.

Here's my goal:

I will do a minimum of 12 solid hours of study per day.

I haven't had time for the most important thing of all. I haven't spent enough time in God's Word. It's something that doesn't take much time, but helps me with every step I take. I need to make sure I'm filling myself up with The Word, so I can draw on it to share with others.

Here's my goal:

I will read and analyse 1 chapter of the Bible every day.

Things will look a little different around here.


  1. Your goals are scary. Good luck, and please tell me when I distract you from progress.

    Felt baby cheepie!!!! *hearts*

  2. *Beams*

    With God's help, and your encouragement, I can do anything!

  3. About time you got into shape, in all areas ;).

    Ambitious but I wish you well :).

  4. Hey I remember your dance-gym-workout things! :)

    Good luck with all your goals. I know you can do it because you have the cutest little chickens ever so you must be amazing so you can do it!


  5. Heh heh. Sadly, doing artsy-crafty things doesn't help with mechanical engineering or weight loss...


    You're mean, Ames...

    Always calling me fat...


    Bring it on! I've already had my morning run (see post above) and my breakfast was essentially carb-free! Yay for Day One enthusiasm!

  6. The birds look fricken amazing!

  7. I like they way you wrote "fricken" like "chicken" :).

    Thanks, Sis :). Thanks for helping me cut out some sweet shapes :).

  8. Yeah, those are some steep goals. Be careful not to overextend yourself!

  9. Thanks, Matt :). In my second year of uni I gained more than 12kg in the 1st 12 weeks. Not a clever idea. I'm being smart about it. They're steep goals- and I won't do anything that is obviously jeopardising my health. I just need figures staring at me.

    At my lightest (and I've never been stick thin) I weighed just less than 70kg. Now I weigh 90kg. I need to do something about it.
