Tuesday, 13 April 2010

I know it's boring...

But I cleaned.


I like to cook for you
in my underwear
’cause our kitchen
points to a wall

and I like to talk to you
while I brush my teeth
cause I have
so much to say

I want to hear you talk to me
in any funny voice you please
it all pleases me

I want to hang off every word you say
and even though it’s in my head
it all pleases me

--Cook for You, Clare and the Reasons


P.S. I guess it really is time to close down the blog, if I'm freakin' bloggin' about cleaning!

P.P.S. Nah, that (not)chicken's pretty cute... He makes up for it... Just.


  1. he is seriously one fluffed up (not)chicken :)
    always good to have a clean up!

  2. Go you! I cleaned and reorganised today too!...

    ... wait a minute, weren't we both supposed to be doing assignments?

  3. Oh, yeah... Aaargh! I've got three due this Friday!


  4. very nice, the anonymous poster child is impressed. But stop procrastinating! I want you to get straight H1s this year and end up with the body of a greek god so that you can er... laugh... with... all those people who thought you were getting a little fat and lazy

    The Anonymous Poster Child
